Source code for flax.struct

# Copyright 2024 The Flax Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""Utilities for defining custom classes that can be used with jax transformations."""

from import Callable
import dataclasses
import functools
from typing import TypeVar, overload

import jax
from typing_extensions import (
  dataclass_transform,  # pytype: disable=not-supported-yet

from . import serialization

_T = TypeVar('_T')

def field(pytree_node=True, *, metadata=None, **kwargs):
  return dataclasses.field(metadata=(metadata or {}) | {'pytree_node': pytree_node},

@dataclass_transform(field_specifiers=(field,))  # type: ignore[literal-required]
def dataclass(clz: _T, **kwargs) -> _T:

@dataclass_transform(field_specifiers=(field,))  # type: ignore[literal-required]
def dataclass(**kwargs) -> Callable[[_T], _T]:

[docs]@dataclass_transform(field_specifiers=(field,)) # type: ignore[literal-required] def dataclass( clz: _T | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> _T | Callable[[_T], _T]: """Create a class which can be passed to functional transformations. .. note:: Inherit from ``PyTreeNode`` instead to avoid type checking issues when using PyType. Jax transformations such as ``jax.jit`` and ``jax.grad`` require objects that are immutable and can be mapped over using the ``jax.tree_util`` methods. The ``dataclass`` decorator makes it easy to define custom classes that can be passed safely to Jax. For example:: >>> from flax import struct >>> import jax >>> from typing import Any, Callable >>> @struct.dataclass ... class Model: ... params: Any ... # use pytree_node=False to indicate an attribute should not be touched ... # by Jax transformations. ... apply_fn: Callable = struct.field(pytree_node=False) ... def __apply__(self, *args): ... return self.apply_fn(*args) >>> params = {} >>> params_b = {} >>> apply_fn = lambda v, x: x >>> model = Model(params, apply_fn) >>> # model.params = params_b # Model is immutable. This will raise an error. >>> model_b = model.replace(params=params_b) # Use the replace method instead. >>> # This class can now be used safely in Jax to compute gradients w.r.t. the >>> # parameters. >>> model = Model(params, apply_fn) >>> loss_fn = lambda model: 3. >>> model_grad = jax.grad(loss_fn)(model) Note that dataclasses have an auto-generated ``__init__`` where the arguments of the constructor and the attributes of the created instance match 1:1. This correspondence is what makes these objects valid containers that work with JAX transformations and more generally the ``jax.tree_util`` library. Sometimes a "smart constructor" is desired, for example because some of the attributes can be (optionally) derived from others. The way to do this with Flax dataclasses is to make a static or class method that provides the smart constructor. This way the simple constructor used by ``jax.tree_util`` is preserved. Consider the following example:: >>> @struct.dataclass ... class DirectionAndScaleKernel: ... direction: jax.Array ... scale: jax.Array ... @classmethod ... def create(cls, kernel): ... scale = jax.numpy.linalg.norm(kernel, axis=0, keepdims=True) ... direction = direction / scale ... return cls(direction, scale) Args: clz: the class that will be transformed by the decorator. **kwargs: arguments to pass to the dataclass constructor. Returns: The new class. """ # Support passing arguments to the decorator (e.g. @dataclass(kw_only=True)) if clz is None: return functools.partial(dataclass, **kwargs) # type: ignore[bad-return-type] # check if already a flax dataclass if '_flax_dataclass' in clz.__dict__: return clz if 'frozen' not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['frozen'] = True data_clz = dataclasses.dataclass(**kwargs)(clz) # type: ignore meta_fields = [] data_fields = [] for field_info in dataclasses.fields(data_clz): is_pytree_node = field_info.metadata.get('pytree_node', True) if is_pytree_node: data_fields.append( else: meta_fields.append( def replace(self, **updates): """Returns a new object replacing the specified fields with new values.""" return dataclasses.replace(self, **updates) data_clz.replace = replace jax.tree_util.register_dataclass(data_clz, data_fields, meta_fields) def to_state_dict(x): state_dict = { name: serialization.to_state_dict(getattr(x, name)) for name in data_fields } return state_dict def from_state_dict(x, state): """Restore the state of a data class.""" state = state.copy() # copy the state so we can pop the restored fields. updates = {} for name in data_fields: if name not in state: raise ValueError( f'Missing field {name} in state dict while restoring' f' an instance of {clz.__name__},' f' at path {serialization.current_path()}' ) value = getattr(x, name) value_state = state.pop(name) updates[name] = serialization.from_state_dict( value, value_state, name=name ) if state: names = ','.join(state.keys()) raise ValueError( f'Unknown field(s) "{names}" in state dict while' f' restoring an instance of {clz.__name__}' f' at path {serialization.current_path()}' ) return x.replace(**updates) serialization.register_serialization_state( data_clz, to_state_dict, from_state_dict ) # add a _flax_dataclass flag to distinguish from regular dataclasses data_clz._flax_dataclass = True # type: ignore[attr-defined] return data_clz # type: ignore
TNode = TypeVar('TNode', bound='PyTreeNode')
[docs]@dataclass_transform(field_specifiers=(field,)) # type: ignore[literal-required] class PyTreeNode: """Base class for dataclasses that should act like a JAX pytree node. See ``flax.struct.dataclass`` for the ``jax.tree_util`` behavior. This base class additionally avoids type checking errors when using PyType. Example:: >>> from flax import struct >>> import jax >>> from typing import Any, Callable >>> class Model(struct.PyTreeNode): ... params: Any ... # use pytree_node=False to indicate an attribute should not be touched ... # by Jax transformations. ... apply_fn: Callable = struct.field(pytree_node=False) ... def __apply__(self, *args): ... return self.apply_fn(*args) >>> params = {} >>> params_b = {} >>> apply_fn = lambda v, x: x >>> model = Model(params, apply_fn) >>> # model.params = params_b # Model is immutable. This will raise an error. >>> model_b = model.replace(params=params_b) # Use the replace method instead. >>> # This class can now be used safely in Jax to compute gradients w.r.t. the >>> # parameters. >>> model = Model(params, apply_fn) >>> loss_fn = lambda model: 3. >>> model_grad = jax.grad(loss_fn)(model) """ def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): dataclass(cls, **kwargs) # pytype: disable=wrong-arg-types def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # stub for pytype raise NotImplementedError def replace(self: TNode, **overrides) -> TNode: # stub for pytype raise NotImplementedError