Source code for flax.linen.stochastic

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"""Stochastic modules."""

from import Sequence

import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax import lax, random

from flax.linen.module import Module, compact, merge_param
from flax.typing import PRNGKey

[docs]class Dropout(Module): """Create a dropout layer. .. note:: When using :meth:`Module.apply() <flax.linen.Module.apply>`, make sure to include an RNG seed named ``'dropout'``. Dropout isn't necessary for variable initialization. Example usage:: >>> import flax.linen as nn >>> import jax, jax.numpy as jnp >>> class MLP(nn.Module): ... @nn.compact ... def __call__(self, x, train): ... x = nn.Dense(4)(x) ... x = nn.Dropout(0.5, deterministic=not train)(x) ... return x >>> model = MLP() >>> x = jnp.ones((1, 3)) >>> variables = model.init(jax.random.key(0), x, train=False) # don't use dropout >>> model.apply(variables, x, train=False) # don't use dropout Array([[-0.88686204, -0.5928178 , -0.5184689 , -0.4345976 ]], dtype=float32) >>> model.apply(variables, x, train=True, rngs={'dropout': jax.random.key(1)}) # use dropout Array([[ 0. , -1.1856356, -1.0369378, 0. ]], dtype=float32) Attributes: rate: the dropout probability. (_not_ the keep rate!) broadcast_dims: dimensions that will share the same dropout mask deterministic: if false the inputs are scaled by ``1 / (1 - rate)`` and masked, whereas if true, no mask is applied and the inputs are returned as is. rng_collection: the rng collection name to use when requesting an rng key. """ rate: float broadcast_dims: Sequence[int] = () deterministic: bool | None = None rng_collection: str = 'dropout'
[docs] @compact def __call__( self, inputs, deterministic: bool | None = None, rng: PRNGKey | None = None, ): """Applies a random dropout mask to the input. Args: inputs: the inputs that should be randomly masked. deterministic: if false the inputs are scaled by ``1 / (1 - rate)`` and masked, whereas if true, no mask is applied and the inputs are returned as is. rng: an optional PRNGKey used as the random key, if not specified, one will be generated using ``make_rng`` with the ``rng_collection`` name. Returns: The masked inputs reweighted to preserve mean. """ deterministic = merge_param( 'deterministic', self.deterministic, deterministic ) if (self.rate == 0.0) or deterministic: return inputs # Prevent gradient NaNs in 1.0 edge-case. if self.rate == 1.0: return jnp.zeros_like(inputs) keep_prob = 1.0 - self.rate if rng is None: rng = self.make_rng(self.rng_collection) broadcast_shape = list(inputs.shape) for dim in self.broadcast_dims: broadcast_shape[dim] = 1 mask = random.bernoulli(rng, p=keep_prob, shape=broadcast_shape) mask = jnp.broadcast_to(mask, inputs.shape) return, inputs / keep_prob, jnp.zeros_like(inputs))